Mya Kraciun

When’s your birthday? October 17, 2004
What’s your zodiac sign? Libra
What are you doing after high school? Going to Scott to get an associates, then UW Platteville for criminal justice.
Where do you work? The city of Davenport as a respite worker
What are your hobbies? Crafting, reading, and video games.
Who’s your favorite teacher? Mrs. Webb
What’s your best memory of high school? Making the friends I have now who always have my back
What advice do you have for upcoming seniors? Don't miss tons of school like I did, it could potentially screw you over.
Duggan Kohnlein

When’s your birthday? November 7th, 2004
What’s your zodiac sign? Scorpio
What are you doing after high school? Gap year!
What side of TikTok are you on? Cartok, cattok, and latin american memetok
What are your hobbies? Gaming, driving, and bug-keeping (ask me about all the bugs I have)
Who’s your favorite teacher? Kent Greenwood (sorry Marmion, Sambdman, and Henningsen).
What’s your best memory of high school? Spending every day with friends, the freedom seniors have is immaculate.
What advice do you have for upcoming seniors? Don't even worry about anything. It's never that important.
another scott stoney banger 🔥🔥🔥🔥