Finally onto new and better things! Cut flowers are generally used in floral arrangements. Their color and texture variety prove to be very useful for making the perfect floral pieces.
Asiatic Lily
The Asiatic Lily, a part of the lily family, naturally, is the easiest of those flowers to grow. This flower blooms in early to midsummer and can attract butterflies. Because of intense breeding, the Asiatic Lily doesn’t have much of a fragrance, but its bright pinks and oranges are a delightful addition to the garden.
The shorter varieties grow 2-3 feet tall, while others are able to reach 3-4 feet. These flowers are a favorite of florist’s as well, as the Lilies add lots of color to arrangements (Gardenia).
Baby's Breath

Baby’s Breath is more known as a flower arrangement piece than a garden flower. These flowers can work as ground cover or as an upright stem flower, depending on what species out of the 100 varieties of Baby’s Breath. Generally, this flower forms 5-6 tiny flowers in the white to pink range with small, thin leaves and stems.

Baby’s Breath have a fast growth rate, and are easily becoming an invasive species to North America. Despite their popularity, Baby’s Breath has toxic properties that can affect both people and animals. Irritation to the nose, sinus, and skin is common for people to experience. If eaten, they can cause gastrointestinal issues for animals (The Spruce).

Another commodity in the flower arranging world is the Carnation, most known as a cut flower. These flowers come in a large monochromatic set, with red, coral, pink, and white being the most known. White flowers are often dyed colors for holidays like St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.

Unfortunately, despite their beauty, Carnations have a short bloom time, but you can get season long-flowers in the right conditions. Carnation’s are demanding flowers however, needing constant deheading to achieve the most amount of bloom time (The Spruce).
Peruvian Lily

The Peruvian Lily is another bright, beautiful flower that is often a part of gardens. Despite its name the Peruvian Lily is not a true lily; its name comes from the striking similarities to the foliage and leaves between this lily and others.

Native to Argentina and Chile, these
flowers are used to warmer temperatures. Peruvian Lily’ come in red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, and white. Because they aren’t true lilies, these flowers are much less toxic than their counterparts. They do however cause mild digestion problems and dermatitis skin conditions (The Spruce).
Florist's Chrysanthemum

The Florist’s Chrysanthemum is most commonly seen as a houseplant. In the garden they bloom from late summer through autumn, while houseplants are genetically changed to create out of season flowering. Inside, Florist Mums stay blooming for about 6-8 weeks. In areas without cold winters, these flowers can be planted outdoors and should flower again next summer.

Florist Mums come in any color you can imagine, and come in single, semi-double, and double. This refers to the amount of extra petals added to your flowers (Our House Plants).