Second semester is nearly finished with roughly three weeks left for seniors. A lot of activities and ceremonies are packed into these last days at North Scott, so here’s a rundown to clear some things up for seniors.
Prom tickets are on sale this week only until May 6th. They are $10 each and are sold in the main office. Make sure you have no detentions, or your ticket(s) will be held until they're served.

The dance will be held on May 14th on the Celebration Belle in Moline, and boarding is from 7:15-9pm. Make sure to be aboard by 9pm, because the boat will leave at exactly that time. The boat will return at 11pm. Make sure to get a Post-Prom form and turn it into the office by Wednesday, May 11th. Post Prom will be at the TBK Bank Sports Complex in Bettendorf, and it will go from 11:30pm-2:30am! Be safe, and have fun.
Wednesday, May 4th is the Senior Athletic Awards banquet and will take place from 6pm-8pm in the commons. The following Wednesday, May 11th is the Senior Scholarship Awards assembly which will begin at 6pm on Sunday, May 22nd at 6:30pm will be the Baccalaureate service held by North Scott FCA at 6:30pm in the library.
Graduation practice will take place on Friday, May 27th at 10am. This is mandatory for seniors, and they should meet at the Pit at 10am to run through graduation procedures. The big day is Sunday, May 29th. Graduation will take place this day at the TaxSlayer Center in Moline, IL. Doors open to the public at 11am, and the ceremony will go from 12pm-1pm. Seniors are required to be there by 11am to line up.