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Sickness Taking Over Preschools

Sickness Taking Over in Preschools

As winter approaches, the temperatures reach their lows, and several illnesses arise, specifically in children. Children are vulnerable to germs and toxins because their bodies are still growing, putting them at risk. At daycare or preschool, germs spread like wildfire as kids touch and put their mouths on everything. As I work at a preschool, I can account that sickness worsens and multiples easily in the colder months. The top 3 illnesses that are easy to catch are RSV, influenza, and the common cold.

Top Three Illnesses in Preschools

These illnesses start when the weather begins to change, which is as early as September. While children play and put their mouths on everything, the germs begin to spread and multiply. Once one child gets sick, it usually knocks out two or more other kids. Therefore, let's go more into depth about each sickness and how to prevent them from spreading as rapidly. First off, RSV is the most common sickness that kids acquire. According to the CDC, almost all children aged two would have already had an RSV infection.

This sickness is very common, yet, it can be deadly if not treated correctly. Some early signs to detect RSV are a runny nose, loss of appetite, and coughing or difficulty breathing. Next is Influenza, which has some common symptoms of RSV. Influenza in children usually appears with a runny nose, sore throat with a cough, fever, chills and body aches, etc. Flu season usually starts around October and carries out till May. Meanwhile, the common cold begins in Fall/Winter and lasts till March. With the common cold in children, you can see symptoms like congestion, runny nose, aches, and sore throat. All of these illnesses have similar symptoms, so knowing the difference between each will benefit how to help your child. Therefore, here are some simple ways to prevent your child from getting sick.


The most basic ways to prevent sickness in children are handwashing, vaccinations, and covering up coughs and sneezes. Young children are very energetic and always playing, especially in a daycare. As said before, toys are touched almost every second of the day, whether with their hands or mouth.

Additionally, most children don’t know how to cover their mouths and must be told frequently. Germs spread rapidly because kids aren’t taught how to prevent sickness. So informing kids on how to protect their mouths and good handwashing will have a greater impact on their health.

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