Before I became a barista, I was always interested in the behind-the-scenes of drink making. Now, I'm not going to tell you all everything, but here is a step-by-step on how to make an iced coffee!

1. The espresso beans always smell
really good during this step, especially
if you are an avid coffee drinker like me.

2. This step is satisfying, but you do have to press decently hard.

3. The espresso is always so hot. Smells great though!

4. You can pretty much add any syrup
and it will taste good--my favorite is caramel.

5. Sometimes the hot espresso melts the cup in this step....

6. Bella adding the ice; she always slays as a barista.

7. Last step in making the drink! Yay!

8. Ready to be handed out!

I LOVE THE GIFS!!!! Such a great addition to this piece!