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Writer's pictureSean Chapman

Lunch Changes for the 2023-24 school year

Just in from the Iowa Department of Education, another grant funding free lunch for all Iowa public schools for the next three school years has passed. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the state funded certificates for free lunch for kids in need to receive while participating in quarantine at home. On Tuesday, Iowa state legislature passed a bill reinstating programs that extend into further funding education, one of which is a bill requiring the state to ensure all school lunch is free with the exception of additional items to be purchased by students.

In addition to free lunch, they want to broaden your cuisine horizons, so starting next year, we will offer Grilled Octopus, Caviar with Hollandaise, and Oyster Soup. In addition, the Foods Class will begin table service for all students, so after the host, Dan Marceau, seats you, waiters in tuxes will swoop to your table and take care of all your needs. FFA students will butcher cows tableside and let you choose your favorite cuts!

Due to the increased risk of financial instability and the World Nutrition Crisis, Iowa lawmakers decided that there could be a silver lining for Iowa families with school-aged children. Increased grocery bills, higher gas prices, and record-high energy costs are just some of the challenges that Americans face today. As legislation, they decided that taxpayer money deserves to go back into the public schools that serve those working and funding our state. Not only are they funding free lunches but also for those qualifying for free and reduced lunch or those issued EBT cards, there is a potential that food pantries will be stocked with weekly meals. Lawmakers see no reason Iowans should struggle to choose between feeding their children and maintaining their bills.

Part of our April Fools edition... we still have to fund our snack line addiction:)

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