The Purpose Behind the Closet
The Lancer Closet was created to be a comfortable place for students and families to go if they need a quiet space to rehearse before a concert or a presentation in class. It is a place where students can practice life skills, like folding, washing, drying, organizing, keeping things tidy, and so on. The Lancer Closet is also a place where students or families can grab free clothes. If they hadn’t been shopping in a while or if a student was cold and wanted a quick way to grab a sweater, they would be able to stop by the Lancer Closet and grab something warm and fashionable. It is somewhere where you can bring a new transfer student to, so they can pick out some Lancer attire and feel comfortable while making a friend in the process. Also, if you get dirty in class or want to wear something else but don’t have anything, the Lancer Closet is a fantastic resource for students to use. The Lancer Closet is for everyone. There are even school supplies in there, so if you forget your notebook or your pencil case, the materials to get through a successful school day are all provided for in the Lancer Closet.
Who Started the Lancer Closet
Jodi Bemrich had started to organize an empty space for the purpose of presentations in class. She also used the space to store gym clothes that teachers had donated, in order for students to have access to proper clothes that they could take and return. Elizabeth Richards started to help out in the area that would soon become the Lancer Closet during her time as a substitute teacher. The clothes that were provided are available to all students and staff. Everyone in the school had access to it. There was a key that was specific to the closet and students had permission to use it; however, someone kept losing it, so now there is a new rule for the students to follow regarding the key for the Lancer Closet. They need to have a faculty member walk with them so the key does not get lost again. Dr. Onken, Mrs. Seals, Ms. Tyrell and Mrs. Unwin’s students have all had the responsibility of keeping the space organized after Jodie could not do that task anymore because of other duties she had to attend to.
The Growth of the Closet

As the closet expanded and grew in popularity, other organizations began to see its importance and wanted to start helping out. As the popularity of the Lancer Closet continued to grow, teachers realized they needed more room as they had more clothes than they knew what to do with and the space was getting smaller. The Student Build class created more custom clothing racks and shelves so more clothes and personal items were able to find a home. The custodians also helped out a whole lot, giving up storage space, providing cleaning materials, helping to clean it, and washing the clothes and having them dried and warm for the next person to wear. The government and service clubs helped out with donating personal hygiene items as well. Since the Lancer Closet began, we have received a steady flow of donations and volunteers to help out in taking care of the Lancer Closet and all its benefits it has to offer.