College Planning/Financial Aid Night
Monday, April 3rd, 6-7 pm at North Scott High School Auditorium - The counseling department will be hosting a presentation by the Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) on College and Career Planning to equip sophomores, juniors and their parent/guardian with the knowledge to select an appropriate college and understand the admission and scholarship application process.
Monday April 3rd, 7-8 pm at North Scott High School Auditorium - The counseling department is hosting a presentation by the Iowa College Access Network (ICAN) called "How to Pay for College" to help juniors and their parent/guardian understand the process of applying for financial aid and scholarships, offer tools for college cost comparisons and learn how to access additional help.
Junior Meetings Monday - Friday April 3-7 from 8:00-3:30 - The counselors will be meeting with all juniors individually for a 15-30 minute conference to track progress towards graduation, discuss post-secondary plans and review resources for career and college readiness. All Junior parents are invited to join. Parents and students can sign up by contacting the counseling secretary Karin Schmeink at 563-285-3209 or via e-mail at karin.schmeink@north-scott.k12.ia.us.
Reach Higher Day
North Scott will host their 2nd Annual Reach Higher Day on April 26, 2017. This event will celebrate our seniors choosing to pursue higher education at a professional training program, a community college or a four year college or university. We will have tables set up in the lobby area during lunch times and seniors will be able to decorate pennants of the college or program they are planning on attending and enjoy some cookies and treats. Below are some images from last years event.
Parent Advisory Meeting
Our next parent advisory meeting is Wednesday, April 5th at 5:00pm in the student services office at the high school. We will discuss our reach higher initiative and open up discussion on how to improve our counseling program. Jason Schroeder, the NS athletic director, will also be our guest so he can address any questions from the last meeting. All are welcome. Please join us on April 5th.
International Travel Opportunities
Foreign study provides first-hand experience with historical and cultural topics and teaches global citizenship. Learning about other cultures helps expand personal horizons and teaches students to become responsible citizens. North Scott has three trips planned in the future in different parts of the world.
June 2017- Germany, Austria Switzerland. Students will embark on a 10 day tour to explore the history of the Roman Empire, absolute monarchies, World War I and World War II. Students will plunge into the abundant history of art and music, and immerse themselves in local culture--all in breathtaking Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.
June 2018- Puerto Rico. This 7 day trip will introduce students to the Spanish influenced history of Puerto Rico where they will discover the wonderful language, landscape, art and culture. The students will visit the cities of San Juan, Ponce, Parguera, and Fajardo. For more information visit http://www.efexploreamerica.com/tour-website/1895089pu or contact Joni Kuehl Schneider at joni.schneider@north-scott.k12.ia.us.
There are still spots available for this trip
June 2018- Community Development in Tanzania, Africa. This 11 day trip will give students the opportunity to experience a true service project in the Arusha region focusing on helping the community build water walks for developing systems of clean water and sanitation. There will also be the opportunity to experience the African safari and take a trip to the local market. For more information contact Cherie Henningsen at cherie.henningsen@north-scott.k12.ia.us. There are still spots available for this trip
Scholarship Opportunities
Seniors who are looking for a list of scholarships, they are found on our counseling website. https://sites.google.com/a/north-scott.k12.ia.us/nscounselorsoffice/senior-announcements. Keep checking that page as Mrs. Schmeink updates it as she gets the scholarship notifications.
College/Military Visits March/April/May
March 23: 12pm St. Ambrose University
March 28: 11:30 US Army
March 29: 11:00 US Marines
April 5: 11:30 University of Iowa, 1:00 Capri College
April 10: 1:00 Eastern Iowa Community College
April 11: 11:30 US Army
April 13: 8:30 Mount Mercy University, 11:30 National Guard
May 3: 1:00 Eastern Iowa Community College
May 9: 10:00 US Army
May 11: 11:30 National Guard
May 16: 11:00 US Air Force
Other important Dates
May 10: Senior Awards Ceremony 6:00pm North Scott High School Auditorium
May 28: Graduation 12:00pm I-Wireless Center, Moline, Illinois. Doors open at 11am.